Selskapet - Cretacon Green Energy
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Cretacon Green Energy – Dagounakis

Creta Construction is a unique property company offering custom designed stone, traditional/ modern properties and renovations in North West Crete.

We are committed to providing a superior product which is financially safe and contractually guaranteed.

Over the years, in both the private and public sectors, we have successfully constructed hotels, tourist facilities, local council buildings, shops, traditional/modern houses, apartments, restorations, swimming pools.We personally construct all of our homes, ensuring quality and affordability and most importantly, meeting our clients financial requirements – whether it be commercial, residential or for investment purposes. We are also able to build on clients own acquired land.

Our “off plan” services are very popular, as it enables the client to have some input towards their property build: finding the most suitable location from a choice of several plots, building plan and design with the assistance of the company architects, a choice of technical specifications etc. “Off plan” also offers excellent value for money as approximately 10% can be saved in taxes alone and can work out considerably cheaper than buying a new or resale property.

Creta Construction also has an excellent reputation for restorations and renovations of old stone buildings, supervised by our experienced architects craftsmen and stonemasons. We are totally committed to preserving and strengthening the architectural structure, character and style of a stone building. A restored stone property will provide you with an original home with unique Greek features and characteristics.